Kickass release Snowpiercer 2013 release
7,3 / 10
Audience Score=281713 vote
directed by=Bong Joon Ho
Cast=Ed Harris
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This movie is shit and suffers from the worst timing and setup. imagery and style on point though. When i first played this it was just sound, and chris evans's voice was exactly as matthew mccanoughy's :D.
I've. Already seen this? And it was good. 2014: OMG they are feeding these poor people protein blocks made from bugs 2020: Why everyone should eat bugs What a time to be alive... When I first saw this movie, I liked it. Then I saw the film theory of Snowpiercer being a sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and all the parallels and my mind was blown X) I suggest watch it before you judge. Are you saying the train ran on kid power? The kids were involved in keeping the engine running (in some vague way) but the idea that the energy required could be somehow input by or drawn from the children is outlandish. If I'm missing something, please correct me.
You got it wrong even welford is prisoned inside the train.
This is a very good movie. I watched it months ago. I was completely entertained and also excited. Highly recommend.
The 1931 Bela Lugosi film is a treasure, one of my favorite films of all time. This one? This one is like Donna Langley (Darkmistress of Universal Pictures) spitting in the mouth of my inner child. Radiates hates.
Wanted the ending explained and got the whole thing explained. Wtf.
The audio-visual elements of the movie are poetically beautiful. But. br>
There are gaping plot holes including some very bad science. Which could all be forgiven, but. br>
It relied heavily on dystopian and apocalyptic tropes. The big surprise (at least it's directed like it's supposed to be a surprise) is one of the oldest surprises in the genre (as are the other more minor "twists. Which would be fine, but. br>
The acting/directing was alright *shrug* except for the bits that were really bad. An important scene that should have been tremendously moving wasn't because it just wasn't done well. And I suppose I could have even overlooked that, but. br>
Metaphor should be used subtly. It's wonderful to have it. It's fantastic to have a story that means more than the plot and leaves us with moral implications to think about. You needn't beat your audience over the head with it though. Having a character go into a two minute monologue explaining the meaning of the metaphor as though the audience were in lit class and ending it with a sentence telling us the analogy is *too much.
It was, however, poetic and beautiful. It also did some lovely contrasting bits with music.
Imagine he just took out a shield. Great analysis Good sir! you made me love the film even more. Video rental. I loved this movie! It was really really sweet - didnt expect that from a vampiremovie😄. Gregg Gutfeld. Watched trailer plus what the end meant. Wouldn't waste my time. PERIOD. TYWIN LANNISTER THE DRACULA. The most underrated movie Ive ever seen.
Watched this movie. I love it. Rating's only 6.3 but I'll rate it 8. Luke Evans is so hot. I like the storyline and the twists. Who knows what happened in the past. Not everything we read is true. I think not even everything written in history is true so yea who knows. The only way to know is to be around when it happened. People lie... everytime... governments and scientists alike.